PG-13, 1 hour 27 minutes
In a Nutshell: With better writing, this could have been
a hilarious movie. Unfortunately, the
script is weak and the dialogue weaker.
I adore both Reese Witherspoon (she won an Oscar for Walk The Line
) and
Sophia Vergara (fantastic in Modern Family: Season 1
) and I know they could have nailed it if given
good material to work with.
They're still fun to watch in this Odd Couple, on-the-run buddy comedy, but it could have been so much better.
They're still fun to watch in this Odd Couple, on-the-run buddy comedy, but it could have been so much better.
Uplifting Theme:
Look for the strengths in others and appreciate
the differences.
Things I liked:
Some audience members enjoyed the physical
humor, but I thought it was silly slapstick that could have been done so much
I lived in the South for 15 years and got a kick
out of the sign at the gas station that said “Hep yourself.” Aw, Southern Hospitality.
The funniest scene is when Reese Witherspoon
accidentally breathes in a cloud of cocaine powder and talks a mile a minute,
saying ridiculous things. Well done
The outtakes at the end of the movie were often
funnier than the movie itself.
Wow...that dress. Sophia Vergara is so gorgeous. Reese Witherspoon is so adorable.
Things I didn’t like:
If you’re Christian, you might be offended by
some lines that mock Christians.
The biggest punch lines in the movie poke fun at
the height difference between Witherspoon and Vergara…over and over again.
I really wanted to laugh, but was mostly
disappointed. If you are big fans of
Witherspoon and Vergara, your expectations will be high and you’ll be let down,
but if you’re really going to the movie for two other things, then you’ll enjoy it.
Funny lines:
“What is that white thing?” – Daniella Riva
“It’s my underwear.” - Officer Cooper
“That’s not underwear…it’s a diaper!” –
Daniella Riva
“I’m totally crushing it as a dude.” – Officer Cooper
“It might have rabies or worse…herpes!” –
Officer Cooper
“You’re the real in ‘you just pulled
a Cooper’?” – officer at the station
“You’re teeny, tiny…I could put you in my purse.”
– Daniella talking about Officer Cooper
“I know she looks like she can’t protect
nothing, because she looks like My Little Pony.” – Daniella talking about
Officer Cooper
“I kinda like your smile” – Randy
“I’m not smiling.” – Officer Cooper
“Then I got something to look forward to.” -
Tips for Parents:
Lots of profanity in Spanish. No worries if you don’t speak Spanish, but
your kids may think it’s funny to say them.
Reese Witherspoon’s character expresses her anger with a softer “Dangit!”. The closest she ever gets to profanity is
when she says “I am the Mother F-ing police!”
(pronounced “effing”)
There is an inappropriate scene that uses
descriptive language to discuss women’s periods.
There is a lesbian scene that is supposed to be
funny, but it’s mostly stupid.
You see a part naked guy in a shower scene and hear
a lot of sexual innuendos during the entire movie.
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